Friday, 11 December 2015

3 months Old!

We are now 13 weeks has this happened? My little sleepy newborn has been replaced with an energetic, inquisitive (otherwords nosey) and happy little girl who loves cuddles and lights and funny voices-who knew I could be such an entertainer!. We have made it through the tough first newborn stage of endless feeding and sleepless nights, the first two bouts of injections (shes a wee trooper) and finally here we are!. When people say time flies in with a new baby and that they grow too quick-god do they really mean it! It is so bittersweet to leave the newborn days behind but yet welcome all the exciting times ahead when her little personalty is really starting to shine. She is really really trying to talk I swear-she goos and gas and laughs all the time and I truly believe she understands what I say..shes going to be a genius!. We are now officially in our 3-6 month clothes although really shes been bursting out of her 0-3 babygrows for a while I just couldn't bring myself to pack them away, she sleeps on average most nights from 9/10 through to five or six then back down again until 8/9. She is honestly such a content little baby and is an absolute joy and her mummy and daddy are besotted with her.

For all those new mummies facing the dreaded sleep deprivation and sheer exhaustion that goes hand in hand with the first few weeks-believe me it does get easier-unfortunately you are still sleep deprived (you will never ever lie in again-ever) but all the interaction you receive from your little one makes everything so much better-everything will give you so much satisfaction-a big burp is honestly the most satisfying sound in the world (from baby mind not daddy) and those wee smiles and coos first thing in the morning far outweigh those bags under your hang in there mummies!. You may even start to have some form of routine in your life now and once you have got use to your little ones ways everything will fall into place-I promise!. We generally have the same routine most days-first feed on waking at 8/9 then a bit of play time on her mat whilst mummy has breakfast then we go for a long walk, back again for another feed, more play time or a little nap, another feed followed by sensory time and after another feed its bath time! . I mean I'm not saving the world in between feeds but I definitely get a chance to catch up on chores (who am I kidding its tea and catching up on Homeland and AHS)-but really I do feel like I am so much more comfortable and confident now and can really achieve so much more in a day-yes they are kind of repetitive but I wouldn't have it any other way. She wont be this small forever and I know when these days are gone I will be heartbroken and yearn for them-so If we want to cuddle all day and have a nap in mummies arms then That's a day well spent. There's plenty of time for 'structured routine' when baby is older so enjoy all these little moments now as they will be gone too soon and just let baby take the lead (I mean we all know who pulls the strings here). Do not compare yourself to other mummies-you do not know what is going on in their lives-they might look like they have it all together but do they really?. We all face the same struggles as new mummies-the constant worry, the sleep deprivation, the struggling to find time to pee because baby has fallen asleep on you and if you move one millimetre they will wake-so just trust in yourself that you are doing a great job; if that means lying at home in your pjs all day or going for coffee all dressed up then good for you. Whatever works for you.


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