Social Media is what it's all about these days. Almost Everybody and Anybody has some form of interaction on it- be it Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. I will glady admit that I am an Instagram addict. I love it. Its an amazing online space to call your own. An outlet to show off your creativity, to seek advice, start friendships or just to admire and appreciate the beauty of others feeds.
I started my Instagram years ago when I would post all my newest beauty purchases- back when this blog was a beauty blog, I loved creating little picture perfect shots of carefully laid out beauty products against a bed of perfectly strewn petals- I mean who doesn't do this?. It was an outlet for me, a hobby- something completely far removed from my life as a nurse. Then I deleted it, but that is a story for another day. I started back on Instagram towards the end of my first pregnancy because I missed that creative outlet. It was also a source of information and friendships throughout my gestational diabetes and then through the voyage of first time motherhood. I have a lot to thank Instagram for- keeping me awake through the many, many feeds and sleepless nights, bringing Ewan into my life ( what would we do without you ewan!) and building friendships with other mummies. When people say they have 'online friends' they mean it. I have a lot of time and love for those who I chat with online. They make it what it is. That's the bit I love.
Then there's the other side of it. The not so nice side. The side where people leave nasty comments or steal pictures...thankfully I haven't experienced this side (that I know of anyway) This is the bit that scares me- that many a time has made me want to close my account down but then I remember why I love it. I generally think the good far outweighs the bad. I have seen so many posts lately about how its 'fake' and people are sick of the 'big timers' advertising products. I cant say that bothers me. some people work hard at their Instagram and 'image' so why should they not reap the benefits?. and as for the fakeness--doesn't everybody appreciate a pretty picture and doesn't everybody at one time or another 'stage' a photo...I know I do. It doesn't mean you are fake-you are just showcasing the pretty bits. That's your prerogative. Its you're Instagram what you want with it. Appreciate other accounts for what they are. I also keep seeing so many posts about 'being original and stop copying other accounts'..I wholeheartedly agree with this if it is in relation to work but that aside I think if you share some aspects of your life such as home décor, style, new purchases then people are going to imitate. its a form of flattery surely as long as its all done in good faith and from an admiration stance. I absolutely have seen other home decor ideas and have them on my very long list of things I want for our home.
There are no rules for Instagram, it's a snippet into your life and its your choice what you showcase. Don't begrudge others for simply making that choice too. So what if of all the photos of your child playing in the autumn leaves you choose to post the best one or that you show off your new watch with flowers carefully placed in the background. Go wild with it I say.I love that I can scroll back through my feed at what Aoibhin, Cathal and I were up to months ago- first tooth/ first steps-all showcased with pretty blackboard notices and carefully laid out props. They all evoke memories. Happy memories and for that I love Instagram.
**Pretty pictures purely for reference.**
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