So another year older- last year on my birthday I had a 9 month old, this year I have a 4 month old and a 19 month old. Gone are the days of celebrating my birthday by heading out to the pub and raising a few too many glasses to my big day. Nowadays am happiest spending the day with my little family. Spending your day with the ones you love sure isn't that what its all about?.
We didn't really have any specific plans, we just packed up the car, with picnic in tow and headed towards Belfast direction. Neil had said he was treating me to a day of shopping but I didn't want to waste the day trailing the two wee ones around shops- its hardly a day out for them, so I mentioned Streamvale Farm- a place we had kept meaning to go to and always left it too late in the day. So we thought today was the day!. and what a place it is- there is so much to do and see, we spent well over 3 hours there and reluctantly left as Little Miss hadn't napped and we all know how that can go...but a fun time was had by all before we left.
There is so much to see and do- some many different animals, feeding times to allow the children the chance to feed the lambs, pony rides, tractor rides. There are lots of play areas for the children to get messy and you'll often find the parents enjoying it more ( daddy had to be prised away from the mechanical diggers). There was a lovely little nature trail with descriptions along the way making it all seem so magical and exciting.
There is a lovely little café, but also picnic areas where we enjoyed a lovely cup of tea- there's nothing quite as nice as tea from a flask is there?. Parking was free which is great, coupled with the fact you can bring your own food- plus under 3's go free so just over £7 each for us parents and it was a great cheap and extremely fun day out. I think we enjoyed it just as much as Aoibhin.
There really is no better way to spend your birthday is there. These are the days I'll remember later in life- the days that cost nothing, but that hold the most memories- the cups of tea and homemade sandwiches, watching Aoibhin be so excited and care free, laughing and making stories to be told in years to come.
One of my best Birthdays yet. Family time is the best time.

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