Monday, 9 November 2015

Where does the time go

I know this blog was primarily set up as Thebeautyfairground but my life has changed in the last year so its only natural that my blog should evolve with it hence the name change to FromBeautytoBaby-I intend to continue with beauty posts as well as some lifestyle posts BUT you can be guaranteed that there will be baby posts and spam-and lots of it. Having said that as much as I still love all things makeup I doubt I will be as frivolous with my money now-I much prefer buying my wee girl things-it brings me far more joy than buying a new foundation for £30!.

 So its safe to say the past 8 weeks have just flew in for me-when people say your children grow up too quickly they really mean it! The past 8 weeks have passd in a blur of being pooed and peed on, learning to eat what I can when I can and drinking cold cups of tea because you know that as soon as I sit down she starts to cry or want attention-wee rascal!...but I have loved it all-even the sleep deprivation and the hair that must have a few cans of dry shampoo in it by now. My little sleepy newborn has disappeared into a beautiful, alert, curious and playful little girl full of giggles and smiles. As much as I love this phase I am sad to see the newborn phase go-shes not my small delicate little baby anymore! Nobody can prepare you for motherhood-the love you feel is indescribable and all I want to do is protect her. it is such a learning curve but I really think it is something you have to learn for yourself-making your own mistakes along the way.

So if you all bear with me whilst I get back into the swing of things and I'll hopefully be back with regular posts. Here's a few snippets of my gorgeous girl..I'm so in love..


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