Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Road to Postpartum Body and Beyond

Being Pregnant was one of the most amazing times of my life-and probably one of the few times that I loved my body. I loved watching my belly getting bigger and with each little kick and mexican wave she did in there I grew to love it more. I was just one of those pregnant women who constantly rubbed her bump and I made sure to show my bump off with clothes that fitted my body and showed my growing belly off. Even now at five months post partum I look at bump pictures and miss it so much.

 I put on exactly 2stone 2lbs whilst pregnant and I literally was all bump and oedema - the week of giving birth I had lost 2stone and 7lbs- so very quickly I was back to my pre pregnancy weight. Maybe it was the fact I had gestational diabetes that I lost the weight so quickly-or maybe it was all the oedema leaving my body-or maybe I just got lucky as it was my first pregnancy.  However, although I was below my pre pregnancy weight I wasn't where I wanted to be-I wasn't happy with my body before pregnancy and I think developing gestational diabetes gave me the kick of motivation I needed. It wasn't about a number on the scale or even a dress size for me-Its about being healthy and happy with myself. My stomach is soft and squidgy now but it homed my daughter for nine months so I refuse to dislike it or be too hard on myself. I will never have a 'supermodel' body and that's ok-as long as my body works and I feel good in myself that is the most important thing. Too much pressure is put on women to bounce back after pregnancy at a time when they should be immersed in their new baby. I'm not saying go eat all the chocolate (whoops) but just go easy on your post partum body-give yourself a break. Believe me as my fellow gd mummies will know-I eat allllll the chocolate after I got home from hospital.

For me it is all about everything in moderation-having gestational diabetes has really put me off sugar which has been a bit of a blessing and it is a lifestyle change that I will continue to incorporate into my daily life-that and walking. Those last few months of pregnancy had me practically bed bound because of oedema so now I love nothing more than getting out every day for a walk in the fresh air. Really all I want is to be healthy..and toned if possible. I refuse to hate my body anymore like I did before pregnancy but I also know that in order to feel good about my body I have to be kind to my body. For me that means eating good fresh foods, exercise to help keep me fit physically and mentally, and not being too hard on myself. I am proud of how far I have come and I feel so much better about myself and I love my body- the stretchmarks, the soft and squidgy belly because it gave us our daughter and I will forever be in awe of that. So be kind to your post partum body, Don't compare your post partum body to anybody elses-you carried your baby, nobody else. Your body has just done the most amazing thing in the world and it will be different to how it was before.And that's ok too.

                                   2WEEKS POSTPARTUM
                                3-4MONTHS POSTPARTUM
                                  NOW AT NEARLY 5MONTHS POSTPARTUM


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