Monday, 1 February 2016


So at the grand old age of 20 weeks we have two teeth-well technically one but the other one has just burst through the gum. two wee tiny perfect little teeth.The front bottom two are out!. She has been such a little angel too-god love wee babies-if teething is anything like an adult tooth ache then they have a right to be as cranky as they want!.

Every baby is different and not all babies will have the typical associated symptoms that go alongside teething-even some of the 'symptoms' are debatable as to whether they really have any association with teething at all..but here's a few that aoibhín had for weeks proceeding the tooth eruption-she was waking through the night despite the fact she always slept through. Now this of course could be put down to the much feared 4month sleep regression or maybe she was just keeping mummy and daddy on their toes-who knows? Babies like to remind us who's really in control. She dribbles-a lot-I'm talking multiple bib changes daily. She will chew on anything and everything-even mummys nose. She has a rash on her cheeks that comes and goes and she can not get her hands far enough down her throat...did I mention smelly smelly nappies? . Aside from that though she was her usual pleasant self-a little bit irritable at times but nothing major thank god it will continue that way!.

However, there are a few things we have been using to ease this whole teething process for her and make it as painless as possible. Teething rings/toys especially the ones that go in the fridge content her and she will chew at them for ages- basically anything she can chomp her little gums down on. Bonjela and teething granules-we don't use the bonjela alot but when we do it seems to settle her and I give her little gums a massage while I'm applying it. If shes particularly unsettled then Ill give her a little bit of Calpol which does the trick. Obviously it's parents preference if they want to give medicated products but I imagine this whole teething business is incredibly painful and so I am more than willing to give her a little bit to help her on the journey to a sparkly smile.

Basically though I guess it's just a game of patience and helping them the little ways you can- they say the first few teeth are the worst until the molars come along, so I am hopeful that she will not be too unsettled with the rest of the teeth, as and when they make an appearance. The next teeth that should make an appearance are the top front two (between 6-8 months) followed by the top lateral and bottom lateral (between 9-12 months) and lastly the molars (from 1 year to 30 months for both first and second molars)...obviously when these appear is individual to each child and although aoibhín has her front bottom who knows when the rest will come...we will just have to wait and see!. Good luck to all you mummy's with teething babies-I hope its a smooth journey for you all!

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