So today got me thinking about Mummy guilt- well because this morning was our baby sensory class and I woke up and I was just exhausted, my back was killing me and I just wasnt feeling it today. So I decided that today would be the day we would miss our baby class...cue the Mummy guilt. Was I just being lazy? Was my back really that sore? Could I just suck it up and go?. Answers to all three were Yes but no we didn't go. Because sometimes you just need a 'day off'. .and cue the messages to family of 'should I just go', to reassure me that I was making the right choice. Yet still now hours later, I feel guilty. Is she missing out because of me, Am I doing enough-do we play enough games, do enough fun activities.. My daughter is not even five months yet but the raging mummy guilt is in full swing. Even when I sit down for a (quick) cup of tea I feel guilty-that I should be making use of that time.
I'm guessing too that this will only be the start of it and as she grows older this 'Mummy guilt' will rear its head again and again. I'm sure it will be unavoidable but yet at the same time I don't like this feeling and therefore I'm going to try and manage it. First and most importantly what I need to ask myself is 'Is it worth feeling guilty over?'..although I feel bad at present, really she doesn't care nor is she any the wiser that we didn't go to class-she is happy as larry here beside me rolling on the sofa with her toys so no I don't think I should feel guilty. It's important to look after me too-there's not much point me traipsing along to a class when I'm just not in the form. That wouldn't be productive for anyone: so we shall enjoy a cosy day together at home-god knows I'll long for them when I return to work.
Next-I just need to learn to let some things go-somethings just aren't worth the unnecessary guilt trip-feeling guilty that you didn't get enough 'play time' in today just means you have been busy raising and keeping a home. Everything can quickly become something to feel guilty about..couldn't breastfeed/wanting a night away/too much/too little tummy time...its the joys of motherhood I guess, but its important to remember that you are doing your best at everything and feeling guilty means you really care about your little bundle of joy.
So I guess what I'm really trying to say is that it's ok to feel guilty sometimes-it's what us mummy's do but don't let it overshadow the fact that you are doing a great job, as long as your little one is happy,loved and healthy then you have achieved all that any mummy really wants. The rest doesn't matter. Embrace the guilt, learn from it,make changes if you feel the need and move on.
*Image from Pinterest*
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