Having a baby changes you..probably in ways you never thought possible. Of course your life will change with the new arrival-finances wont be the same nor will your sleep pattern but I'm talking about the ways motherhood will change you-as a person.
You will love your baby to the moon and back and you will become amazingly protective. I am like a mother bear looking out for her cub.My daughter is my priority and I will say/do anything to put her needs first. Don't like it or are offended ? Tough-don't mess with mumma bear.
You will sacrifice everything for your new arrival-and they wont even feel like sacrifices anymore.
You will wonder what you did with your spare time pre baby and amaze yourself at how much you can now achieve in a day with a baby.
You will live in the same clothes for weeks and you will wave goodbye to spending your own money on yourself. Boots has taken a dive in profits since I have been pregnant and become a mummy.
You will swell with pride at each baby burp that you have been tirelessly trying to get for 20 minutes.
As much as you appreciated your parents before and what they have done for you-you will find an even deeper appreciation.
Your relationship with your own mother changes.
You will miss sleep but yet those morning smiles will more than make up for it.
You will walk around like Superwoman the weeks after giving birth.Women are amazing,
If you can get through Labour-you can get through anything.
You think about someone else all the time. Always.
Your childs' needs are the most important thing to you.
You will become more confident and assertive. In yourself and with your body.
Your heart will explode with love everyday.
You will be more empathetic to others.
Every story about a child will make you think of your own and will cause you to hug them a little bit closer.
You will feel like you belong to a secret 'mummy club' and will exchange knowing smiles with other mummies.
You realise that the most important things in life really are free.
You will have the best job in the world.
You wouldn't change a thing.
**these apply to me so don't worry if you don't swell with pride at each burp**
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